
Here’s a refined and structured version of the content for your online marketplace platform, Jumaworkers. The goal is to clearly communicate the benefits and features to both employers and freelancers.


The Hassle-Free Way to Hire Freelancers

Surveys & Research Studies

Empower your business decisions with the voice of the workers! Let Jumaworkers handle your surveys and uncover invaluable insights today.

Influencer Marketing

By collaborating with micro-influencers in targeted product niches or your local area, you get an affordable way to promote your products and services.

Web Application Testing

Before you launch your app or website, give it a final test and receive feedback from workers. Let us handle the technicalities while you focus on growing your business.

Optimize Efficiency

Jumaworkers is ideal for simple and repetitive tasks that need to be handled manually. Outsource microtasks to ensure work gets done quickly, freeing up time and resources for your company.

100% Control

You have complete control over who can participate in your campaign and only pay for tasks that meet your satisfaction.

3 Simple Steps

  1. Describe Your Task: Provide detailed instructions and any relevant files.
  2. Review Submitted Work: Evaluate the work submitted by freelancers.
  3. Pay If Satisfied: Request revisions if needed, and pay for the work once satisfied.

Workers / Freelancers

Making Money Online Has Never Been Easier

Perform tasks anytime without any limit on the number of tasks you can complete in a day. Payments are made immediately after the employer reviews your task. Types of tasks include:

  • Answering Surveys
  • Installing & Testing Apps
  • Content Promotion
  • Data Entry
  • Designing
  • Sales and Marketing

Our Mission

We believe in simplifying the process of hiring freelancers. Our mission is to provide you with a hassle-free experience from start to finish. Here’s how it works:

  1. Describe Your Task: Whether it’s a design project, writing assignment, or coding task, provide detailed instructions and any relevant files.
  2. Review Submitted Work: Freelancers will complete your task and submit their work for your review.
  3. Pay If Satisfied: You can ask for revisions, and once satisfied, pay for the best work.

Affiliate Program

If you’re an enthusiastic user of Jumaworkers and love the benefits of working from home or the solutions we provide, share the love and make money while doing it.

What You Will Get From Us

  • Earn $2.00* for every verified claimable invite.
  • Earn 10% of every deposit made by your invitees.

By clearly defining the value propositions for both employers and freelancers, Jumaworkers can effectively attract and retain users, making the platform a go-to resource for outsourcing tasks and finding freelance work.